Sunday, June 22, 2008

VOH-Why the Double Standards against Indians?

Why the Double Standards against Indians?
Voice of Hindraf

UMNO racist against Hindraf peaceful assembly on 25/11/07. Arrested Hindraf lawyers under ISA and 100 others arrested and 41 not granted bail.

But in the latest rally by PAS against the petrol price hike the local NTV 7 on 13/6/08 describes the same as peaceful assembly. (Tamil Nesan front page 14/06/08) But when it is the Hindraf peaceful assembly it is repeatedly blasted and UMNO propaganda by the local print and electronic media against Hindraf as a violent group and unlawful assembly.

Previously in Khairy Jamaluddin’s rally to protest Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Malaysia in 2006 and no action was taken but police escort given for the orderly conduct of the rally. UMNO must also accord Hindraf the same treatment further to especially Article 8 of the Federal Constitution like all other rallies before and after the Hindraf rally on 25/11/07.

No one should detained and punished without trial under the ISA for organizing a mere peaceful assembly like what happened to the Hindraf lawyers. Malaysia is the worlds only country which considers four lawyers championing the minority Indian rights as a threat to national security and then detains and punish them with an indefinite jail sentence under the draconian ISA. Malaysia Boleh. End UMNO rule to end ISA.

Watch UMNO out again in the next 2012/13 general elections but throw them out this time

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