Monday, May 19, 2008

Passport Revoke -Govt aggravating H5 (comments)

'Gov't aggravating Hindraf 5 issue'
May 19, 08 11:17am
‘In spite of the fact that there has been a lack of (perhaps a complete absence) of evidence that warrants any form of charges, they persist in aggravating this issue.’

On Waytha's Passport Revoked - Amnesty

Ravi Chitty: It appears that the government loves to rub salt to the injury that they have already suffered on March 8. In spite of the fact that there has been a lack of (perhaps a complete absence) of evidence that warrants any form of charges to the Hindraf 5 and P Waythamoorthy, let alone the draconian ISA, they persist in aggravating the issue.

I beseech the government to do what is morally right, that is to immediately release the Hindraf 5 and charge them in the open court if there are ANY charges to be answered to. The same is to be expected for Waytha. You cannot revoke his ‘state-ship’ by virtue of the justice he is seeking for.

The government led by PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi must not merely ‘explain’ but undo all the injustice inflicted on these six people for they are doing what is rightfully their right to speak, fight and work for the downtrodden of this country.

I believe that such an action by the government is regressive and will merely invite more disappointment, disgust and disdain from all Anak Bangsa Malaysia. This will merely expedite the demise of BN as the government of Malaysia.

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