Sunday, October 12, 2008

Letter- HINDRAF is a broadband.

Re: [malaysiafm] Is banning Hindraf the solution?
Sunday, 12 October, 2008 15:12
From: "saro saro"


Any attempt to ban is a grave mistake the govt jokers can ever think, to meet the dooms day.
Its not formed out of protem commitee and rules for approval from ROC.
HINDRAF is SOUL centered. And you know what is the vibration of SOUL.
To know, pls press the button to ban HINDRAF.
Cant the Authorities take note the shit the authorities are undergoing as result of the court cases. The more the justice seen to be done, the more the hidden truth all these years are surfacing.

And not only the tempering of evidence are so freguent but the DPP himselfs admission of the defect of original charges against RPK in court is untold ambarassment.
An ambarassment one has to face it due to some senior authorities bulldozing to nail truth in haste.

Can the BAR COUNCIL standup to see to the safety of ordinary people seeking justice and endup becoming victim of certain hidden agenda of certain unfaithful authorities.
The Justice dept. owe the people an explanation on the waste of public fund in holding trials of imagination.

The LINGAMS drama is enough so much for people to laugh at for the kind of infiltration certain bad elements can make toin the judiciary.
The followup is not over in the LINGAMS case that other untoward truth are surfacing.
The people demand an immediate action and not to be too concern into determining the new PM after March 2009.

Pak Lah could not hold to the amount of loose ends as a result of some negative greedy officials.
He is an honest man and left it in the hands of the people who are responsible for their issue to clear their name or get killed as a result of it.
What ever it is, the countdown starts the day the next PM of Malaysia takes stage.
Thus completing the "RAHMAN" teory.

Whether DSAI is going to be the next PM or not is not the Q.
The change in the choice of the govt. is indeed inevitable. All odds are already against the UMNO lead BN govt.
The key issue is how soon is the changes going to manifest after March 2008.



balan said...

Not sure if this ban make sense as HINDRAF is not a legal organisation in the first place.

As a moderate Indian Malaysian, I don’t agree or support HINDRAF (maybe one of the few Indian who do not support HINDRAF in Malaysia).

No, I’m not a BN Supporter. How many have actually read their memorandum, speeches or attended their gatherings?

The approach, writing and rhetorics incites hatred towards others. They are another organisation hiding behind race, religion, temples and schools. Most of their arguements are flimsy and does not make much sense.

For alternative views on HINDRAF, from a Indian Malaysian point of view, , please visit (AUg/Sept/Oct Archive)

Gopal Raj Kumar said...

I don't necessarily agree with everything you say Balan. But I do agree that Hindraf must create some sort of organizational structure to be able to galvanize the Indians in Malaysia who are divided along economic, class and other parochial petty lines.

Race is a must in Malaysia. We are lawfully divided along racial lines. We are identified along racial lines and we identify ourselves as a result along racial lines.

One does not require registration of an organisation in circumstances that prevail in places like Malaysia to be recognised or to have lgitimacy.

The Viet Cong were never really registered in Viet Nam under French or American puppet rule. Neither was ZANU or ZAPU in Rhodesia nor Netaji's indian national Army.

However and putting all of those mre technicalities aside, I agree with you that Hindraf has become too insular and a clique based hardcore (forced upon them by Samy Velu and the criminal BN government) which they now have to broaden even if it is without registration in order to become more inclusive.

At present I am prepared to thrown my support behind them because they have after 50 years managed to achieve a huge amount for Indians at great personal sacrifice in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Gopal Raj Kumar