Monday, October 6, 2008

Hindraf went 'over the limit' - comments from

Hindraf went 'over the limit'

Posted by kasee
Monday, 06 October 2008 10:04

(NST) KAPAR: The MIC cannot condone the sort of behaviour demonstrated by some of the Hindraf members at the Muslim ministers' Hari Raya open house on Wednesday. Party secretary-general Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam said that sort of behaviour did not augur well for a multiracial nation.He said people should learn from and emulate senior members of the opposition parties, who made it a point to attend the open house and take part in the festivities.Hindraf members led by K. Shanti, the wife of Hindraf leader-in-exile P. Waytha-moorthy, went to the open house at the Putra World Trade Centre and presented Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi with a card asking him to release the organisation's leaders detained under the Internal Security Act. The card was delivered by Waythamoorthy's 5-year-old daugher, Vwaishnnavi, who had been invited to the open house by the prime minister.About 20 bloggers also turned up at the open house, wearing T-shirts bearing the slogans "No to ISA" and "Free RPK", referring to Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin, who is being held for two years under the ISA.Subramaniam was commenting on Pas leader Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's statement that he viewed Hindraf's actions as part and parcel of democracy and that it signalled a change in democratic practices in the country.He acknowledged that it was the group's democratic right to be at the open house but noted that everything had its limits.In Kemaman, Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek said it was wrong of Hadi to say that what had happened was part and parcel of democracy."A cabinet open house is for the people to meet the nation's leaders and political ideologies are set aside on that day."When a political agenda takes the driving seat on such an occasion, it dampens the Hari Raya spirit. Democracy should not be abused," he said, after attending Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said's open house in Kijal, here, yesterday.

Comments (29)
...written by Jan, October 06, 2008 10:12:47
Hindraf over the limit? What about jailing people indicriminately without charge, isn't that worse?
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...written by rayfire, October 06, 2008 10:16:55
Please, can someone from Hindraf or others show recorded proof of what exactly went on that day at the open house, the media report and the minister's response makes it seem like they went on rampage that day! I am quite sure they would have behaved quite decent and have presented the card with the request in an acceptable manner! Please do not politicise this issue, and Utusan please don't use this to incite hatred amongst the races! It is good that Hindraf plan to sue Utusan for their degrading comments and headline on second day of raya to cause discomfort! While they are at it, they should sue Syed Hamid Albar as he said "they insulted Islam", he should SHOW proof what they have done wrong! or should be charged for sedition! As for MIC, do it because of concern, not because of publicity, it is likely the latter is the reason for your "sudden" concern. All ISA detainees should be released and I urge Hindraf to represent all intimidated Malaysians instead of focusing only on Indians
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...written by Concerned Malaysian, October 06, 2008 10:19:18
These two pea brain minister are the milestone of rest of the ministers in Malaysia. What political agenda is the $%#@^ information minister is talking about, meeting the PM who claims to be PM of all Malaysian and giving him a card is this poitical. Hoi mangkuk hayun don;t be like your predecessorlah. Subra..subra...water cannoning the Indians,will augur well for multi racial nation. where were you then? don't be an UMNO dog wake up.
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...written by avj, October 06, 2008 10:25:09
You still can't get it it into thick skull,can you Dr Subramniam that MIC does not represent the Indian Malaysian and that MIC is only an extention of BE END trying to to keep political power within themselves.Hindraf has allowed the winds of change in and there is nothing you can do about it.And as for you don't try and be an extention for slimeball Samy,he is politically finished,kaput,over.Wake up lah thamby.
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...written by Liberace, October 06, 2008 10:28:43
Nobody's looking for approval from MIC or UMNO. Neither party is qualified to speak by virtue of their failure to give 2 hoots about the welfare of the Indian community.
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...written by SCM, October 06, 2008 10:35:25
Subra, you guys in MIC really don't get it. The Indians don't want to hear you say anything because whenever MIC says something, it is said to carry UMNO's balls. Samy and the rest of his gang have been thrown out because the Indians want people like Hindraf and not weak money grabbing corrupt leaders who are hypocrites like you and your MIC gang of spineless morons, and that worm Nalla also. Just stop hindering efforts by the Indians to get some rights.
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...written by indianputra, October 06, 2008 10:43:26
With due respects to you Dr. Subra, you have absolutely no right to talk about HINDRAF and what they are doing. When your own MIC members are behaving like gangsters (Remember MAIKA HOLDING AGM?)I would appreciate you taking care of those rougues before you say anything about HINDRAF. MIC is NOT and will NOT represent HINDRAF and any attempt by MIC to discredit HINDRAF is tantamount to treason.
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...written by manny_california_usa, October 06, 2008 10:47:35
To Dr.Subra, Your prime minister don't even have the guts to receive a bouquet of flowers from a little girl at the Parliament and you are talking about bad behaviour by the Hindraf members? To Ahmad Shabery, stop being Mis-Information minister. Datuk Seri Anwar already given you an embarrassing knock-out in the debate, don't let us give you another one.
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...written by cheekhiaw, October 06, 2008 10:52:01
Hey Muttal Indian Congress, At least HINDRAF does not steal in broad daylight... xxx
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...written by dumbfounded, October 06, 2008 11:17:16
When the gov detain people in ISA, we, the people of the nation, demand that the ISA detainees be released and charged in open court
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...written by advocatusdiaboli, October 06, 2008 11:25:29
As it is we Malaysians are a peaceful lot and we will be even better without you MIC,UMNO & MCA and it is your kind of behaviour that does not augur well for a Multiracial Nation. As for Shabery Cheek,just stuff it up your nether regions. Anyway Selamat Hari Raya.
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...written by onnetline, October 06, 2008 12:07:24
Subramaniam, Not everybody is a God like you ..... knows what is totally right or totally wrong ! You should be sitting up in an altar and not talking cock lah !
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...written by RumahPanjai, October 06, 2008 12:11:17
By putting RPK in prison, you morons have already dampened our hari raya spirit! So where is the selamat baboon minister?
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...written by Cinakelate, October 06, 2008 12:19:46
"A cabinet open house is for the people to meet the nation's leaders and political ideologies are set aside on that day. When is asking the realease of prisoner of concience a political ideology? "When a political agenda takes the driving seat on such an occasion, it dampens the Hari Raya spirit. Democracy should not be abused," What is the spirit of Hari Raya? Maaf Zahir dan Batin! Shabiri-biri Shabri-biri!
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...written by The dragonheart, October 06, 2008 12:31:31
I support the Hindraf plight but I disagree of people spoiling other peoples' events... similarly goes to UMNO/BN does that to any of the opposition official or religious functions... I know many people in here disagree with me but I hate to see Malaysian with no respect and no manners... If one would do it just because the other did the same to them..then basically they are both the same breed...
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...written by ZamZamAlaKazam, October 06, 2008 12:42:53
...please be aware of the spin our mainstream media can put on such issue. I see no wrong in trying to convey one's feeling/opinion/etc regardless of the occassion, esp when one was not allowed any avenue to do so, despite repeated request. Justice for all.
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...written by joeawk, October 06, 2008 13:03:03
Giving a letter to the PM asking for the hindraf 5 to be released can cause so much fuss. That is how low people, especiually politicians can get. Subra, if you want to bodek UMNO, that is no way about it. Sabery chik n Hadi awang, it is not even about democracy or the occasion because if it was Sabary Chiks funeral, it is still not wrong or impolite to hand over the letter. Did anyone shout or did anyone make a scene? Not, i believe.
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...written by jhlee, October 06, 2008 13:10:04
why are we wasting time reading and commenting on this article?
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...written by kkselvam, October 06, 2008 13:31:22
We don't need MIC to represent us.No need for raced based party anymore.We have PKR to take care of us, Malaysian! Anyway,enough of your sandiwara.You want to carry "future" PM Najib's ball,carry on lah!! But don't tell us what we can or cannot do! Come next election, you can rest assure to lose your MP seat.You want to bet? Your call!
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...written by Bigjoe99, October 06, 2008 13:42:45
All these descriptions, disrespectful, over the limit, etc... Well, there are descriptions of the use of ISA now - obscene, immoral, sadistic, perverted... Hmmm... not so bad to be disrespectful, over the limit, objectional...
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...written by johntyc, October 06, 2008 13:49:30
Attend open house and take part in the festivities. That's exactly what Hindraf doing. So, what's wrong with that?
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...written by shangrilapeace, October 06, 2008 14:04:57
Desperate calls for justice & help called for desperate actions regardless of when, where and how (peaceful actions). Over the limit are the people responsible for giving instructions for all the poor victims to be directed to the car parks. A card and a teddy bear, by a child (of an ISA detainee) posed so much fear that the PM has to take so much time to decide an ok? Gosh...
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...written by SamSan, October 06, 2008 14:09:41
I agree with Dr. S. Subramaniam. The indians need to leave their faith completely in the hands of MIC and Datuk Sri Samy Velu and then pray and wait for another fifty more years for their pathetic and marginalised plight to be allievated. In that next fifty years, Semi Value gives you all 100% assurance (just like he assured you all when he sold MAIKA shares) that you will all be uplifted). If there is still any complains, you can all apprehend our President if you can find a way of going to the next world where he will be waiting to hear any complainsts
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...written by teo siew chin, October 06, 2008 14:47:16
"...Democracy should not be abused..." ----------------------------------- and to throw innocent people in jail using ISA and let them lanquish in there for god-knows-how long is an ABUSE of what pray tell?
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...written by MalaysianUnited, October 06, 2008 16:52:05
HINDRAF perlu buat perkara yang sama seperti rumah terbuka Deepavalli!!.. Dear K Shanti, Hanya UMNO sahaja ker yang menindas orang India Malaysia?..Apa yang saya tahu ramai juga orang UMNO yang memberi sumbangan bantuan secara peribadi kepada orang2 India yang miskin..K Shanti tak tahu ker?.. Ini adalah satu pandangan yang penuh dengan emosi dan tak praktikal!!..K Shanti perlu cakap perkara yang sebenarnya..siapa yang menindas sebenarnya dan tiada membawa perkembangan yang bagus kepada komuniti India Malaysia??.. Bukankah pemimpin2 India yang berada di dalam kerajaan????..yang selama 50 tahun ini apa yang mereka buat mewakili kaumnya sendiri???.. Masa untuk cari kesalahan pemimpin kaum anda dahulu K Shanti..contohi Dr. Wan Azizah yang lebih lembut dan tidak membuat sebarang kenyataan yang menunjukkan beliau tak tahu apa2 tentang perkembangan politik dan sejarah tanahair.
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...written by Selva, October 06, 2008 17:16:23
Hey Shitass Subramaniam , Go suck Badawi's and BN balls-you were lucky to get in the last last GE, next time around you will even lose your deposit-stay out of matters that do not concern you-we have enough labour problems-look at the estate labourers who have toiled for the nation and what are there earning today-do not forget they pay your salaries too-you are n othing but a casual worker who gets his job by sucking oranges thrown by the UMNO goons
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...written by beijing, October 06, 2008 17:31:47
This is how the massage been delivered to our sleepy PM or else he just covers his head with blanket all the time. And this is how we meet the national leader and “THE PEOPLE” of Malaysia.
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...written by lobster, October 06, 2008 17:51:39
"When a political agenda takes the driving seat on such an occasion, it dampens the Hari Raya spirit. Democracy should not be abused," Shaberi Cheek, shame on you! Tell that to RPK who had to spend his Raya in Kemunting detention center. Talk about abusing democracy... STFU.
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...written by cillipepper, October 06, 2008 18:03:17
MIC podah mutal!
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1 comment:

Gopal Raj Kumar said...

Somebody needed to go over that limit which is the intolerant, incompetent and racist Barisan National clique limit of Badawi. And Hindraf did it. Whoopee for them.

Neither Badawi nor any of his allies deserve respect of any sort. What sort of a religion allows torture and murder without trial of unarmed people in the name of the law?

We just witnessed what Pakistani trained and protected terrorists (like the Malaysian Police) did in Karachi against unarmed and friendly cricketeers who have no quarrell with them.

This Badawi violence is unfortunately a distortion of Islam by ignorant madmen who believe they are carrying out gods work.

Every action and ritual Badawi and his men performed at hari raya was of Hindu origin. To say that it was disrespectful to 'gate crash' is the manifestation of ignorance. It was in the circumstances created by Badawi the most appropriate and best time for that sort of protest and all who went to enjoy in a festive mood whilst Indians were being killed in custody, deserved to be shocked and inconvenienced.

The Indians built the British empire, arguably the most powerful empire in modern history. It also brought it down.

The same can be done for the BN and Badawi. Never underestimate tolerance and forebearance for being stupidity. Never believe the force you use against unarmed people and which you use in large numbers cannot be matched.

My take is that Badawi (which means idiot in Arabic) will preside over the demise of the NEP, the Bumiputera system and the dominance of the BN in Malaysian politics.

His is the arrogance of Ignorance. The Indians should never allow the other groups of so called democrats and trendies like Elizabeth Wong and Kit Siang and Theresa Kok and MIC to benefit from its gains.

Gopal Raj Kumar.