8, Todarmal Lane, Bengali Market, New Delhi- 110 001
Phone: 65288241, 23718929 Fax-01123718929
8, Todarmal Lane, Bengali Market, New Delhi- 110 001
Phone: 65288241, 23718929 Fax-01123718929
1) Duli Yang Maha Mulia
Al-Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin
Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud
Al-Muktafi Billah Shah
Istana Negara
Kuala Lumpur
2) Y.A.B. DATO’
Prime Minister of Malaysia
Your Highness,
The citizens and Human Rights organisations of India have taken a serious note of the ban
imposed on Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDFAF) by the Government of Malaysia. We are
equally concerned about the detention of five members of HINDRAF. We feel that the sole
reason for the imposition of ban on HINDRAF and the detention of five members of
HINDRAF, was for expressing concerns about the marginalization of ethnic South Asians
within Malaysian society and specifically for organizing rallies.
It is disheartening to know that all the detainees are being treated like criminals, but they
have never been charged much less convicted of a crime. We have been informed that at
least 65 people are being held at Kamunting Detention Centre under the administrative
detention provisions of the ISA. The Internal Security Act allows the police to arrest
individuals they believe have acted, or are "about to" or "likely to" act in a way that would
threaten Malaysian security, "essential services" or "economic life" (Article 73 (1)(b) and the
detainees can be held for up to 60 days for investigation by the police, after which time the
Home Minister can issue a two year detention order under the ISA. The two year detention
can be renewed indefinitely without the detainee ever being charged with a crime or tried in
a court of law.
As such the ISA is contrary to fundamental principles of international law, including the right
to liberty of the person, to freedom from arbitrary arrest, the presumption of innocence, and
the right to fair and open trial in a court of law.
We demand that the Government of Malaysia should start the process to abolish this
draconian legislation. We also demand that the ban imposed on HINDRAF should be revoked
immediately and the five members of HINDRAF should be released without any precondition.
Rajesh Gogna
This letter to an insensitive chauvanist mob of unrepresentative bigots will get you and Hindraf nowhere.
Hindraf has an obligation to be inclusive and not exclusive. It eschews constructive criticism and encourages cult worship of its imprisoned leaders who by one stroke of luck or genius, the Barisan government, like them or not, put away to render the organisation a headless serpent.
Its claim to the High Court in London is embarassing, fails to particularise the facts it relies on, does not sufficiently disclose a cause of action and is embarassing.
If Hindraf and its core members will only allow all Indians to participate instead of those who are sychophants to the leadership, it can be more effective than it already is.
Unfortunately the path it chooses is strewn with missed opportunities and lost causes.
By now an effective leadership instead of organising ineffective self defeating marches and demonstrations could have organised the most effective of all pressure tactics no nation in the current economic climate can affford to ignore.
Stop paying taxes and nominate the 14th of April the birthdate of economist and anti class caste crusader Dr. Ambedekar as the starting date for acts of civil disobedience.
No nation can afford to be without even a fraction of the taxes it collects. Indians do not receive the benefits every citizen is entitled to from government funded by their taxes. Indians in Malaysia are not an insignificant minority. The elections of 8 march 2008 proved that. A bit of skewing can achieve miracles. It is time to ride the bucking horse of the Barisan a self proclaaimed friend and champion of the rights of all Malaysians. It is not the Malays to blame but a Malay Chinese and Indian led government that exploits Malay fears and pits them against Indians in this case.
Open your doors Hindraf to the diaspora. We have the talent, the monetary resources, the organisaitonal abilities, networks and the intellect to garner all the support you need.
Many amonsgt us are Malaysians working abroad for the same reasons many of you in Malaysia are not working. Prejudices, divisive politics and corruption at the highest levels.
Call for a general boycott of the income tax laws and stop paying taxes. They give you nothing for it. They kill your children with impunity, they torture and rape, snatch bodies in an act of defilement of the dead and act in a most unislamic fashion.
Unless you are ready to accept a broader body of membership yo will end up like the Samy Velu's of this world.
Stop paying taxes and any other state impost till a public independent inquiry into the death of Kugan and other Indians in custody or at the hands of the police is agreed to with an independent international panel, let Malaysia go back to the days when people lived like we live today. Without full rights.
Such a move will compel others to force the issues out into the open because at this juncure in its development Malaysia cannot afford a drop in its economic performance. These are trying times. They have the guns and the forces of arms, we can show a force of intellectual dimensions capable of peacefully overcomming their guns and killings.
The Anwars and Kit Sinags of this world conveniently take credit for your sacrifices and efforts. They have to be jettisoned as time wasters and opportunists. Leanr the art of negotiation. Negotiate with those progressives within government, they too are embarassed and outraged by what Barisan is doing in their name.
You must be positive and not insular and cult like at the top. Lets all work towards now embarassing Britaain into action, into being responsible for the trouble Hindraf and all Indians in Malaysia face and use them as the unwilling bullwark against the Barisan government of Badawi and Razak. Act now.
14th April 2009.
Gopal Raj Kumar
Memorandum kepada kerajaan British
Hindraf mengutus memorandum kepada Perdana Menteri British, Gordon Brown, pada 15 November 2007, meminta supaya satu resolusi dibawa ke PBB mengutuk tindakan kerajaan Malaysia. Antara lain, Hindraf juga tidak dapat menerima tindakan Empayar British yang membawa buruh murah dari benua kecil India ke Semenanjung Malaysia untuk bekerja di ladang-ladang. Dari generasi pertama lagi mereka mendapat layanan buruk di ladang-ladang. Selain itu, di bawah kerajaan Malaysia dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia, Hindraf merasakan hak mendirikan kuil masih diabaikan. Isu pendidikan, hak asasi manusia, kebajikan dan taraf kerakyatan warga minoriti India hendaklah diperbaiki.
Beberapa orang peguam muda India telah membuat garis kasar tuntutan yang perlu dibayar oleh kerajaan British, terutamanya Ratu Elizabeth II. Peguam-peguam itu ialah M.Manoharan (Pengerusi), P.Uthayakumar, K.Ganghadaran, Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy dan S.Ganapathi Rao.
Pada 30 Ogos 2007 Hindraf telah memfailkan saman di Mahkamah Keadilan Diraja di London terhadap kerajaan British kerana 'dosa-dosa' membawa warga negara India ke Malaysia sebagai buruh ladang getah dan dieksploit selama 150 tahun. Pekerja dari India ini dibawa masuk melalui Sistem Kangani dari tahun 1786 hingga 1957. Kerajaan British dituntut membayar 4 trilion Paun British (RM27.7 trilion) atau RM1 juta bagi setiap orang India yang tinggal di Malaysia.
Masyarakat india sepetutnya bersyukur dapat tinggal di Malaysia. kerana mereka dapat hidup tanpa ada diskriminasi seperti yang ada di india iaitu sistem kasta. jika nenek moyang mereka tidak dibawa ke tanah melayu, pasti mereka masih lagi mengamalkan sistem kasta yang tidak berpei kemanusiaan. contohnya mereka menindas orang yang kedudukan kasta yang lebih rendah. dan sesetengah daripada masyarakatnya membunuh bayi perempuan kerana tidak mahukan anak perempuan itu. jadi kita sebagai rakyat malaysia mesti tidak mahu itu semua berlaku disini. tentang kuil tidak berdaftar yang dirobohkan itu janganlah dipersoal lagi. sepatutnya kaum hindu sepatutnya bersyukur kerana kuil yang sah tidak dirobohkan. maka jika hendak membina kuil, daftarkanlah dahulu secara sah. Kebanyakkan kuil yang dirobohkan ini dibina diatas tanah persendirian (milik orang lain). walaupun dirobohkan pampasan telah diberikan. jd hilangkan permusuhan dan rapatkan persahabatan. bersatulah semua.
Its never too late to regroup and to resolve to unite in a singular cause. The advancement of the rights of Indians in a divided racially polarised Malaysia.
The idea of using the same old tired lawyers, who churn out the same old tired rhetoric, using world war 1 type tactics to snare an adversary sitting on top of them is useless and counter productive.
These are self promoting one eyed men who in the world of the blind are kings. Celebrating mediocrity.
Indians have to look at and observe political trends abroad and learn how to apply these to their own situations effectively.
The new international order of law where Malaysia and its supproters can be sued in a court in far away New York more succcessfully than in Kuala Lumpur is an example lost on the Hindraf supporters and their legal advisors.
If not then do it in London. But to succeed anywhere, one needs a competent lawyer capable of drafting pleadings in a more cogent and compelling form than the work produced by whoever it is the clown is who drafted the first set of pleadings before November 25 2007.
Tha document was and remains an embarassing and a self destructive piece of work, an indctment to the legal profession of Malaysia and Hindraf's own planning commitees and its leadership. No Gandhi at work here. It was embarassing.
Hindraf has become a fly trap for those seeking personal glory. Like all other opportunities presented before to the Tamils of yore, it will go to waste.
A good leader is one who recognises a good opportunity. Not form himself but his cause. A poor leader is one trapped in rhetoric, age old principals, dogma and doctrine, wihtout any feel for change or pragmatism. They are always in exile whether in their minds or behind bars.
Gopal Raj Kumar
Now perhaps the Hindraf leadership would consider the issues people like myself have on various forums have sought to advance through them which they refused to respond to.
Lim Eng Guan like Anwar have now kicked their behinds and kicked them really hard, treating them like like the Thumbys they have turned out to be.
Lim Eng Guan was visited by Lee Kuan Yew recently because they have plans to make the island of Penang into another Chinese dominated hub of commerce with Indians and Malays in tow.
You will note that the Chinese have proceeded to make amends with Malays because it is in their interest to do so.
Hindraf leaders continue to bear grudges, forget their politcal obligations of making deals that benefit them and act like school boys who received a punch on the face in the playing field.
Why does everything have to freeze in time for Hindraf? move on. It will build the strength the party needs to be able to deal with its problems from a position of strength. You can only negotiate from a position of strength.Otherwise you are begging.
Time for a change. Boring and useless exploitation of a child handing notes to a state leader who does not want to see the group in Penang. Thats defeat and thats a message that the methods being employed by Hindraf are self serving, ineffective and unintelligent. Time to stop this display of sanctimonious crap, Tamil movie emotional unproductive demonstrations that achieve nothing. Stop being victims all the time. The Indian community are getting tired of self indulgent ploys of Hindraf leadership.
Why exploit a child. That may be an emotive and impressive thing in Tamil movie land but it carries no weight in a mixed industrial society like Malaysia. It produces no beneficial results for the commmunity.
Hindraf leaders should stop using children, especially theirs to create political dynasties. Thats passe. It won't work.
The question Vydiamurthi and his clan have to ask is this. What is the political objectivee here?
Gopal Raj Kumar
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