Monday, July 20, 2009

1st Indian opposition party ? Since when ? - Haris Ibrahim

First and only Indian based multi-racial political party? - Harris Ibrahim

Malaysianinsider reports that Uthayakumar explained that his spanking new party, Human Rights Party Malaysia is the “first and only Indian based multi-racial political party which is in the opposition and which is not aligned to Umno/BN”.

Indian-based, yet multi-racial?

Er, how does this work?

If any of you can figure this out, do write in and share with the rest of us, will you?

In the opposition?

Since when?

All I will say is, Uthaya, you just undid all the good that came out of that rally on 25th November, 2007.

Well done.

UMNO will be drinking to your good health!

Posted by barred at 7/19/2009 04:03:00 PM

Comments from Malaysia Insider in Uthaya's Party


The Malaysian Insider
Monday July 20 2009
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Uthayakumar sets out to create Indian clout with new party

Uthayakumar is mobbed by his supporters during today’s launch of the latest Indian-based party, Human Rights Party Malaysia. –
Picture by Baradan Kuppusamy
By Baradan Kuppusamy

KLANG, July 19 — P. Uthayakumar today launched his Human Rights Party Malaysia (HRP) before 3,000 cheering hardcore supporters by lambasting Umno for sidelining Indians for 52 years, while also training his guns on Pakatan Rakyat (PR) for winning on Indian votes but failing to help the community.

He said the cavalier attitude of Umno and PR towards Indians was because the community lacked political clout, and he is now offering a unique scheme where marginalised Indians could create this clout as well as pressure for public resources to uplift the community.
Under the scheme, Indians in certain states should re-register as voters in select constituencies where there are about 20 to 30 per cent Indian votes, he said.
“By doing this they would create Indian majority parliamentary and state seats in the country and can, if united, win the seats easily,” he said.
“We will use the clout created by controlling these seats to bargain for the community,” Uthayakumar said.

“We will no longer be political beggars,” he said to a standing ovation from supporters, who arrived from across the country, many of whom wore Hindraf’s saffron-coloured T-shirts. Uthayakumar, who wore a similar T-shirt with his fiancée, was mobbed by his supporters.
Uthayakumar, who is secretary general of the party, announced the names of state leaders at the function and vowed to fight on until the “last drop of my blood.”
“I will not betray you, I will not sell you for some crumbs and I will never give up the struggle,” he said to huge applause.

Elaborating on his scheme, he said DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang and party secretary general Lim Guan Eng were classic examples of politicians who have “migrated” from their hometowns to fight and win and hold office in other states.

“We should be like them. We must create Indian power centres in all states, re-register ourselves in those constituencies and elect our own representatives to parliament,” he said.
“Only in that way can we create clout,” he said, adding that currently Indians were members in numerous political parties. “Our votes are split and we are dismissed as non-entities.”
He said the new party can win 15 parliamentary and 38 states seats if this scheme was implemented successfully.

“This is what we are going to do for the next two years …to get Indians to re-register in selected constituencies to create Indian community power centres,” Uthayakumar said.
Among the areas he identified are Padang Serai in Kedah; Ipoh Barat, Sungei Siput and Bagan Datuk constituencies in Perak and Ulu Selangor; along with Kota Raja and Klang in Selangor.
Uthayakumar spoke for nearly two hours, listing out all the grievances the Indian community suffers from – poverty, neglect, and marginalisation – and laid the blame at the feet of Umno.
“It is Umno that rules the country, it is Umno that decides who gets what and how much, not Barisan Nasional (BN),” he said. “Umno is the enemy but it is a very smart enemy and we have to watch out for it.”

Also present were DAP Teluk Kemang MP M. Manoharan, human rights lawyer N. Surendran and PR supporter David Balla who is the key financier of the new party.
Manoharan said he was there as counsel for Uthayakumar and added he takes the criticism of PR in his stride.
He urged party supporters to beware of Umno, which will work with the Special Branch to sow disorder, confusion and splits within the party.
Uthayakumar also lambasted the DAP for failing to resolve the woes of the villagers of Kampung Buah Pala in Penang.

About 30 Buah Pala residents were also in the audience cheering him on.
“Guan Eng can, with one just signature, settle the Buah Pala issue but he has refused to do so giving all kinds of excuses,” Uthayakumar said. “The reason is we are politically weak.”
He cited as example the sole DAP representative who could bring the PAS-led Kedah PR government to its knees by pulling out of the coalition over an abattoir to slaughter pigs.
“Just one man can do that…imagine 15 or 20 MPs (of our party) walking out. How much we can achieve,” he said.

Comments (15)
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...written by jt, July 19, 2009
This is how racism began. First it was the Malays who were being "robbed" in their own country by immigrants. UMNO was created. Now, the Indians are using their "impoverishment" to rally the race against the respective state establishments. I don't believe what Uthaya is doing will uplift the Indian community. I believe he is building a personal clout which will be useful to political parties. Political defection, as has been seen, is lucrative business.


...written by Observer, July 19, 2009
Oh no... not another MIC in the making.


...written by JackJax, July 19, 2009
Aiyoyo, yet another Indian-based party? And here is a man who says the Indian vote is fractured. Talk about the ultimate irony.


...written by G, July 19, 2009
You have a dream but 15 to 20 MP seats ...dont with Pakatan Rakyat and you will/may get this number of seats........ G Belfast


...written by citizen, July 19, 2009
Uthayakumar, i think you wrongly calculated. You cannot form a political party without any experiences. Before became famous amang the indians after 25th Nov.2007, can you tell one of the indian comunity issues you settled, like squatter, eviction, unemployement. Dont play pupilist polirtics dan the huge crowd gather on that the not because of you, pls remember thoundands of problem the indian comunity of this country face through out BN regime. Dont be another pandhitan. If you smart , first you avoid to do mistake done by samyvellu. In samy leadership this indian comunity fragile, spilit until today. If you realy realise this, first thing you must do is, call all indian who split like ipf, mic,ppp,makkal sakti, nalla karuppan party,mindraf and others is to meet up, you faild to this At the same time, you talk aabout makkal sakti, you realy know that what is makkal sakthi. if you believe and respect the makkal sakti, another important task you must done if before form the party is, do road show asked peeople opinion about forming new political you did it before the 25th Nov.2007 Another funny thing your today annoucment that, your new party going to centest 15 parliment seats and 38 states seat for next election is, i feel realy you are in wrong direction. dont compare DAP, they are veteran in politics. anoher funny thing is one of two seats is your target is Sungai siput and ipoh barat .this announcement clearly show that you are not matured in politics. Look like you are going to attack opposition and MIC and not UMNO ,MCA seats. Dont dick your own grave, be realistic.people are still with oppsition, any attempt by anybody to destroy the oppostion allies are sure be avoid by the people fo malaysia.


...written by WAN, July 19, 2009
This is the most ridiculous plan I have heard about Malaysian politics. Yet, it has enough of a certain crazy appeal that I am compelled to wish Human Rights Party Malaysia good luck in all their endeavors. I don't think you guys will succeed but I would surely love to see you guys try


...written by eklim, July 19, 2009
great man, move all the indians to one state, maybe perlis, n u may become the MB......otherwise u will only be mr opposition n can only collect crumps !! but then u will rule the poorest state without being able to provide for yr indian citizens !! n subsequently, the other races will move to that state to re-take control; what a strategy ..... unless u are able to move india to malaysia !! come on man ........... its all for yr own ego n self interest !!


...written by Bluemoon, July 19, 2009
This spinning auta who deripved inspiration from Sri Langka's tiger still thinks that this country can be turned into greater india. He must be dreaming or living in the clouds. One may wonder where he got the statistics considering there there is no single seat in which indian constitutes the majority. With dwindling population of ess then 2% and about a dozen political parties which are indian based, Mr. Uthayakumar must be lucky if he gets enough nomination. Forget about contesting because his party would certanily be trounced and lost the deposit. While the whole country is rejuvenating with equality for all, this racist goon, unfortunately is talking about his race, skin and colour. What a pathetic!


...written by Eskay, July 19, 2009
That's a jolly good idea, Mr. P. Uthayakumar. Better still if you can get all the Indians to live and work in either Perlis or Negeri Sembilan or in both the states. With this mass migration, Indians would be a majority race there and the chances will be very bright for you and other Indian leaders to become the first Indian Menteris Besar in Malaysia. Good luck to you.


...written by Paul Warren, July 19, 2009
Uthaya, I've said this to Samy and MIC before. Now I say it to you and PAHAM. Sto politically representing Indians. Only in Malaysia the Indian diaspora is politically represented. And look at the shit they are in. Every where else we have the Vjijay Singhs, The Mittals and you even have those heading the Pepsicola Company and several others....They are all not politically represented. Than you for your jus tleave the Indians alone...You are only hijacking them.


...written by KB, July 19, 2009
This Uthayakumar is a political novice and making a fool of himself. Ask Indians to re-register to form the majority in certain seats? Come on man, it's the same stupid, simplistic idea like his "one stroke of the pen to solve Kg. Buah Pala issue". You want to register for another constituency, you have to shift there loh...and change your I.C. to update the address on your I.C. He thinks Indians going to uproot themselves for his politival party to serve his political interest? Human rights party indeed! I haven't heard him say one word about Teoh Beng Hock. Maybe Teoh is not Indian so this race blind person cannot see the human abuse on poor Teoh. Making your party multi-racial is academic. Who from other races going to join if you can only see through an Indian lens?


...written by samson, July 19, 2009
It is sad to note that Uthyakumar is forming another race based party which will cause further divisions among Indians.In which constituency are Indians majority ?An Indian candidate whether BN or PR still needs the support of the Malays and Chinese.This is the reality in this country.Please bear this in mind.The only alternative for the Indians ,who were discriminated by the UMNO bastards is to unite under Pakatan Rakyat ,where our voice will be heard.Pakatan rakyat under DSAI is getting stronger day bya day and UMNO is very worried .Please give PR some time and they cant do any miraculous as the Federal Govt is still under corrupted BN.As a learned lawyer Mr Uthya is in a better position to explain the truth to the Kg.Pala residents of Penang and not to blame DAP.The whole mess was created by the then Gerakan(Bn) under Mr Koh Tsu Koon .Uthyakumar should think logically and rationally taking into consideration the various unique situation of this multiracial country before forming another race based party .Perhaps he has his own personal agenda .


...written by Rakyat, July 19, 2009
HRP will die off eventually just like PPP.


...written by Akam, July 20, 2009
Let's the migration to Perlis begin! Yay to Ultrakumar! Not Ultra...Ultakumar. What a rubbish selfish political snake. With one stroke of pen, you can give free lands to all Indians who move to Perlis! maybe you can vote to change the Perlis constitution too.


...written by OrangRojak, July 20, 2009
How disappointing. I was very excited by the prospect of a 'Human Rights Party', but it's just a fancy name for another MIC, it seems. Just another sad event in Malaysia's political history.


More Articles and News on Hindraf being political party and breaks within

Samy Vellu: Many Indian parties not healthy

Another Chief to lead Indians

Another man lays claim to Hindraf

Hindraf leader defends Guan Eng, asks who made Waytha boss

What do you get when you have two Indian lawyers?

Uthayakumar sets out to create Indian clout with new party

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


8, Todarmal Lane, Bengali Market, New Delhi- 110 001
Phone: 65288241, 23718929 Fax-01123718929


1) Duli Yang Maha Mulia
Al-Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin

Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud
Al-Muktafi Billah Shah
Istana Negara
Kuala Lumpur

2) Y.A.B. DATO’

Prime Minister of Malaysia


Your Highness,
The citizens and Human Rights organisations of India have taken a serious note of the ban
imposed on Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDFAF) by the Government of Malaysia. We are
equally concerned about the detention of five members of HINDRAF. We feel that the sole
reason for the imposition of ban on HINDRAF and the detention of five members of
HINDRAF, was for expressing concerns about the marginalization of ethnic South Asians
within Malaysian society and specifically for organizing rallies.

It is disheartening to know that all the detainees are being treated like criminals, but they
have never been charged much less convicted of a crime. We have been informed that at
least 65 people are being held at Kamunting Detention Centre under the administrative
detention provisions of the ISA. The Internal Security Act allows the police to arrest
individuals they believe have acted, or are "about to" or "likely to" act in a way that would
threaten Malaysian security, "essential services" or "economic life" (Article 73 (1)(b) and the
detainees can be held for up to 60 days for investigation by the police, after which time the
Home Minister can issue a two year detention order under the ISA. The two year detention
can be renewed indefinitely without the detainee ever being charged with a crime or tried in
a court of law.

As such the ISA is contrary to fundamental principles of international law, including the right
to liberty of the person, to freedom from arbitrary arrest, the presumption of innocence, and
the right to fair and open trial in a court of law.
We demand that the Government of Malaysia should start the process to abolish this
draconian legislation. We also demand that the ban imposed on HINDRAF should be revoked
immediately and the five members of HINDRAF should be released without any precondition.

Rajesh Gogna

A salute to those who lead the way.

by Thamilan

P.Uthayakumar’s six year old niece P.W. Vwaishhnnavi , sister-in-law K..Nageswari@ Shanti, sister P.Waytha Nayagi, brother P. Taramaraju, Police Watch and Human Rights Committee coordinator S Jayathas , R.Kanan, Poobalan, Rajah Sekhar, Lourdes Mary (Shanti), P. Suntheram , Sivakumar and Balakrishnan were all arrested outside the Prime Ministers office at Putrajaya on 23/10/08 when they went there to deliver a Deepavalli card asking for the release of the Hindraf lawyers detained under the ISA before Deepavalli and to extend a Deepavalli invitation.
They went to the PM’s office as citizens accompanying a little girl to give a letter of appeal but were detained for illegal assembly and later, they were investigated under the Societies Act instead..

They should not have been arrested in the first place, since when do members of the public who submit a document get arrested. Further the remand application was defective from the onset and the entire episode is evident of the flaw in our criminal justice system.
There were no grounds for the arrest and the following detention that took place. UMNO has got so desperate in curtailing Hindraf that they have resorted to stoop so low as to arresting the 6 year old daughter of Hindraf chairman, family and friends for asking the release of their brother P.Uthayakumar currently detained without trial in Kemta prison. UMNO is going for the whole of the Uthaya’s family and Hindraf supporters. UMNO wanted to see them all in a police lock up this Deepavalli. Deepavalli means nothing to the present government. They broke temples last Deepavalli and conducted the UMNO AGM on Deepavalli day without a care for the Indians at heart. After all it is the same police and government that attacked the Indians and pregnant women with water cannons when they gathered peacefully to voice their grievances, so what would they care?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hindraf cabar buktikan mereka biadap

Posted by St Low
Saturday, 11 October 2008 09:59

Barisan Bertindak Hak-hak Hindu (Hindraf) mencabar menteri dalam negeri dan TV3 menyiarkan rakaman lengkap rumah terbuka Aidilfitri perdana menteri yang menunjukkan penyokong mereka biadap.
Pengerusi Hindraf, P Waythamoorthy juga mengecam Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar, stesen televisyen itu dan Utusan Malaysia berhubung laporan mereka yang mendakwa sedemikian.Beliau, yang juga adik seorang lagi tokoh gerakan tersebut P Uthayakumar yang kini ditahan bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), mendakwa dua media itu "sengaja mengapi-apikan semangat perkauman" terhadap Hindraf. "Sekiranya benar tohmahan-tohmahan mereka, mengapa mereka tidak berani menayangkan gambar dan klip yang kononnya penyokong Hindraf bersikap biadap dan kurang ajar," katanya. "Sebaliknya kami mempunyai bukti kukuh yang menunjukkan yang perdana menteri, timbalan beliau dan ramai lagi menteri-menteri kabinet yang senyum panjang dan menerima salamam penyokong Hindraf dengan hati terbuka dengan semangat maaf zahir dan batin.

"Waythamoorthy mengakui penyokong Hindraf merayu Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi agar membebaskan lima pemimpin gerakan itu yang kini meringkuk di kem tahanan Kamunting, Taiping sejak Disember lepas."Apakah rayuan ini boleh dianggap mencemar agama Islam? Motif Utusan dan TV3 mengapikan sentimen perkauman dan agama harus dikutuk oleh semua lapisan masyarakat Malaysia," katanya dalam satu kenyataan. Menurutnya, yang kini berada di London, dalam satu perjumpaan Hindraf dengan setiausaha Abdullah seminggu sebelum majlis berkenaan, mereka dimaklumkan bahawa perdana menteri "tiada bantahan" atas kunjungan mereka di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC). "Seramai lebih 500 orang penyokong Hindraf menghadiri majlis tersebut tetapi kurang daripada 50 penyokong dibenarkan bersalaman dengan perdana menteri. "Kami datang dengan niat ikhlas dengan semangat maaf zahir batin, di samping merayu supaya perdana menteri membebaskan semua tahanan ISA di hari mulia ini," katanya.
- Malaysiakini

Comments (7)
...written by onnetline, October 11, 2008 10:25:25
Home Ministry & TV 3, What say you ??? The rakyat or your tax payers wish to know about the truth !
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...written by Joe, October 11, 2008 11:11:03
Hope they try to BAN Hindraf... that will be liken censoring the internet. As an Indian and looking at the state of the Malaysian Indians in this country, honestly I wont be surprised if there are death threats and even deaths next.
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...written by AUTAR, October 11, 2008 12:02:20
Hoi budak botak dari Johor! Kumpulan tu bukan dari kumpulan pelampau. Mereka hanya mengusulkan sahaja, macam jugak masa budak ingusan Saipul pukimak tu pergi kat putrajaya di pejabat TPM minta sain untuk dapatkan biasiswa. SALAH KE TU?. Kalau salah, bagus jangan jadi menterilah. Nasibbaik bukan keluarga saya yang engkau ambil tindakan macam tu. Andai belaku, saya akan pastikan budak botak ni sentiasa kekal berada di kandang 4X6.
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...written by Lembing Tajam, October 11, 2008 22:27:48
Botak Balbar ni memang biul dan taksub ngan jawatan Home Minesternya.Orang melawat dengan jujur tapi biasalah paria paria UMNO dan menteri2 bodohnya akan memutar belitkan kenyataan.
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...written by Jana, October 12, 2008 11:40:32
If you banning Hindraf is your(UMNO) solution then prepare to face the next level of our playing field
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...written by Rozlan, October 13, 2008 09:11:14
If the HIndraf were rude or unruly They had not been allowed to enter the function in the first place..The cctv had been place allover the corner.They could always refer to recordings..Moreover Paklah's bodyguards for sure wont let the commotions to happen..Arrest will be made if the Hindraf supporters were unruly..But nothing happened..The Hariraya functions go on unscathed till the end.. It seem Paklah lying again...
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...written by riversnail, October 13, 2008 13:34:14
a few times i watched the 8pm news in RTM1 and TV3 and all showed the Hindraf supporters was standing in the queue in an orderly manner.if they were rude and unruly,definately every hour we can watch in the UMNO controlled TV stations and also in all the newspapers.It is very obvious that Pak Lah and his UMNO goons are telling lies to the Rakyat!! hmmmm...i really dont know when the idiots will learn that the Rakyat dont trust their TVs or newspapers anymore.......

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Letter- HINDRAF is a broadband.

Re: [malaysiafm] Is banning Hindraf the solution?
Sunday, 12 October, 2008 15:12
From: "saro saro"


Any attempt to ban is a grave mistake the govt jokers can ever think, to meet the dooms day.
Its not formed out of protem commitee and rules for approval from ROC.
HINDRAF is SOUL centered. And you know what is the vibration of SOUL.
To know, pls press the button to ban HINDRAF.
Cant the Authorities take note the shit the authorities are undergoing as result of the court cases. The more the justice seen to be done, the more the hidden truth all these years are surfacing.

And not only the tempering of evidence are so freguent but the DPP himselfs admission of the defect of original charges against RPK in court is untold ambarassment.
An ambarassment one has to face it due to some senior authorities bulldozing to nail truth in haste.

Can the BAR COUNCIL standup to see to the safety of ordinary people seeking justice and endup becoming victim of certain hidden agenda of certain unfaithful authorities.
The Justice dept. owe the people an explanation on the waste of public fund in holding trials of imagination.

The LINGAMS drama is enough so much for people to laugh at for the kind of infiltration certain bad elements can make toin the judiciary.
The followup is not over in the LINGAMS case that other untoward truth are surfacing.
The people demand an immediate action and not to be too concern into determining the new PM after March 2009.

Pak Lah could not hold to the amount of loose ends as a result of some negative greedy officials.
He is an honest man and left it in the hands of the people who are responsible for their issue to clear their name or get killed as a result of it.
What ever it is, the countdown starts the day the next PM of Malaysia takes stage.
Thus completing the "RAHMAN" teory.

Whether DSAI is going to be the next PM or not is not the Q.
The change in the choice of the govt. is indeed inevitable. All odds are already against the UMNO lead BN govt.
The key issue is how soon is the changes going to manifest after March 2008.